Sunday, August 9, 2009

An Open Letter

Dear fellow fans,

I understand that unlike me, you don't go to as many games as I do. I did purchase season tickets for Real, and I understand that you only come once in a while. As some helpful hints though, let me give you some advice, to help you in games. Listen, I'm going to yell in these games. People all around you are going to yell. You should have know this before you came, and to be surprised by it is just stupidity on your part. But if it bothers you, don't sit there all game with your hand over your ear. Either leave, or resign yourself to hearing it the whole game.
Also, I know you like your beer. It is awesome that now you can order yourself some beer, and can drink many cups during the game and get yourself tipsy. I'm just going to say, know your limit. Sure, have a beer. Sure, it's smelly and gross, but if you want one, go ahead. Have two, even. But if you get friendly after two, stop. If you get unbalanced, stop stop stop. If you can't control your drinking, don't have any. If all you do after a few beers is spill your beer all over me, that's just rude. Don't be the douche who can't control his alcohol at the sports game.
And lastly, I know that it sucks when people have to get up to leave during a game. But at halftime, don't throw a fit because someone needs to get up to go the bathroom. You CHOSE to sit near the aisle. If you sit near the aisle, you need to be prepared in advance for people to be walking by you.
I do hope this info helps you, and if you have any more needs, I'm always here.


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