Monday, June 1, 2009

Most addictive, indeed.

There are many things people will rarely hear me say. "I'm engaged", "I'm pregnant", "I'd love to see if that toe is infected". Another is "I'm going to a ward event" be it FHE, a regular activity, or any of these things. But hold on to your hats, peeps, because that's what I'm saying! I went to FHE tonight, ya'll! I know, totally crazy, but we did it. Normally we avoid these activities, not for any particular reason, except that it's on weeknights when I'm usually running, but when we found out what the activity this was, we decided it was just up our alley.
Tonight, it was a dessert tasting. That's right-something I'm totally good at. We made Oreo Truffles. And by we, I mean PJ, but I totally helped. And by helped, I mean, supported. I was a good supporter. They were delicious, if I do say so myself. We went to the activity, and there were delicious treats everywhere. I tried to get a little of everything, and I'm pretty sure I did. Ok, there might have been a couple I didn't get, but mostly because I thought they looked gross. But of the things I tried, they were all soo good. I was pleased. There was voting at the end, Best Tasting, Best looking, healthiest, and guess what! Our dessert won "Most Addictive"! They are quite good. I'm going to have to make some soon and share it around with all of my (4) readers.
We also got to play a little soccer during the night, to work off a little of the calories we racked up by eating all those desserts. We got to know a little some of the people in our ward, so all in all, it was a pretty good evening. I might have to start going to more of these.

Maybe not.


Chelle! said...

YEAH!! VIEVE WENT TO FHE!!! If you would not have told me already, I would have not believed my reading eyes!! I am glad that you had fun!! Now about those addictive treats...are you going to make some soon!! You know that you have a friend that has had a horrific couple of weeks and would love a little treat!! HINT HINT

Maleen said...

I would go to FHE too if they were having a dessert tasting.

Although I'm not sure if I believe you about your treat being additive. I will need to sample some to make sure...