Thursday, June 25, 2009


This'll be quick, because I'm pretty sure that everyone that reads this blog already knows this. But what if someday I make myself a book from these blog entries? I'm gonna want this in here! So today was my work summer party. These are never very fun. I'm sorry, but I loved them back in the old days, when we'd go to the water park, have a big barbecue, it felt like a big family party. Now its like, you get a barbecue, that's it. I think there are games and stuff going on there, but I can never hear a dang thing being said!
Anyway, so every year they have a run in the morning, a "Fun Run". I don't know why they put those words together. Maybe because they rhyme? I mean, it's not horrible to run, clearly, I enjoy it, but come on. I'm never really having a great time. This is a short race, two miles. This is my second year running it, the first year, I showed up late, half-ran it, and finished. But this year, myself and a friend had a bet-type thing going on about it. We kept trash-talking each other about who would win, that sort of thing. So this morning, I got to the race with her, and we took off. I got into my comfortable pace, and she stayed with me for a bit, then lagged behind just a little. I kept going, and finished. In first place! (Of my age group) And also, I was the first female to cross the finish line, so that was pretty cool.
I know it's just two miles, so I shouldn't think I'm the best runner in the world, but I never place in my runs, so this was awesome to me. Maybe now I can start doing this more often-taking a place. It's a great feeling!


Maleen said...

Very cool that you came in first. I would have known except you can't hear anything at the barbeque.

And I thought they did rent the Scera pool or something? Did I hear that wrong?

Chelle! said...

YEAH!! I am glad that you came in first!! That is too fantastic!!