Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Succulents and Babies

 Today I went to the movies with the fellas. It is Epifanio's first time in a movie theater, can you believe it? He has had so many things he just hasn't done because of the pandemic, so it's been fun to introduce him to all of this stuff. He had a good time, he wasn't super great at just sitting there, but also, he's 2, so... that's normal. Afterwards we snagged a pic, of course. 

I was trying to teach him how to do a pic with his tongue out, it went good enough, I s'pose. 

I can't remember his woes in this photo, as he has so many, but I love it. 

Then, I had to take care of my succulents. 

I thought they were looking a little dry, so a friend told me that I should put them into water, and then once the top looks like it's wet, then they're ready to be taken out. So I gave that a go. 

And now, we'll just monitor and see how they look. 

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