Friday, January 22, 2021

Just some Pics

 Last night, I went to visit my sis-in-law after she had a knee surgery. We chilled for a bit, chatted, ate, etc. I held tiny baby Eve of course, she was ready for some snuggles. 

Drama baby!

Then my SIL wanted to take a pic of us, just for memory's sake, I reckon. 

Now if you look at my left wrist, you'll see that I have a brace on it. I forgot to mention this in my Vegas post! On Saturday morning in Vegas, I straight up tripped whilst running. Luckily, nobody was around me to see this embarrassing business, and I lived, so it's fine. I ended up going to a doc, and luckily the bones aren't broken, just some torn cartilage. Just gotta take it easy for the next little bit and be more careful in the future. 

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