Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Babysitting Time!

 Today I babysat the fellas all day, and we had a great time. Near the beginning of the day, Epifanio got scared whilst holding a small radio, and then he was embarrassed and needed to take the time to collect his thoughts. 

Later he perked up when we started to use him to stage Baby Yoda pics. 

We tried to make it look like the force is being used to hold him up like this haha. 
Then we had to pick up Darth from school, and Epifanio fell asleep on the way back. Luckily he stayed asleep when we got back, but in the most uncomfortable looking position. 

Later, after watching a movie and having a snack, we decided to use my bed to do some tricks. It started out well, but then turned out bad. 

So, yep, he bonked his head into the dresser and cut it open, just a smidge. Nothing he hasn't done before, and not even as bad as previous times. But then we stopped jumping on the bed, and just chilled and watched a movie until the parents came to get them. Not a bad day, but man, I was exhausted at the end! 

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