Sunday, January 3, 2021

A Snowy Walk

 About a week and a half ago, I made plans with my cousin to go on a walk today. We try to see each other outdoors (Covid and all, and she's a hella big risk because of some health issues) and with it being so cold, that's hard to do. But we made plans to go on a walk on a Sunday morning. Unfortunately for today, as I was driving over to our spot, it started snowing. 


But we made the best of it. 

We saw lots of cute animals and tons of cute animal prints. 

(you can barely see, but there are like, 4 deer in this photo)

Cute! And then at the end of the walk, I realized how ridiculous I looked. 

Hey, buns are perfect for catching snow apparently. But luckily we were never really cold, and we weren't even too wet. Thank goodness, because seeing each other is just what the doctor ordered! 

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