Thursday, November 14, 2019

Mischief Fella

I watched all of the fellas tonight, and it was...something. First of all, whenever we have to decide on a dinner, it's like a peace treaty negotiation. Because Darth is such a weirdo about food and hardly ever eats, it's so hard for him to pick a dang food, because he only eats like three items. This is him as we're negotiating and trying to figure out whats what.
I just think he's such a stinker, but he's too cute for me to be angry at for too long.
Our other issue of the evening was Epifanio, that joker is working on everyone's last nerve! He is experiencing some separation anxiety and was very good at letting us all know. Can't wait for him to outgrow that.
Otherwise, we had such a good time, we played some Mario Party. I've learned the secret to that - give myself and Darth actual characters to play, and then make Gecko the computer, so he doesn't really have to play, and then we all have such a good time, I recommend it for any children in your life.

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