Sunday, November 24, 2019

It's Hallmark Christmas Movie Season

Does anyone remember the times where there were like, maybe 10 new Hallmark movies a year? And maybe 5 of them were Christmas? Cut to 2019, where there is a new Hallmark every week, and 40 new Christmas movies. 

It's a lot. 

It's overwhelming. 

Will I watch them all? 

Of course I will. 

The new movies started all the way back on October 25 - so a whole month now. So, for the last month, there have been 4 new Hallmark movies a week  - 2 on Hallmark, 2 on the Movies and Mysteries. Then, couple that with the 2-3 movies that air on the Lifetime network, and boy, I have been watching all Christmas, all the time. 

It's not so bad. 

It's definitely getting me into the Christmas feelings, I am so ready for the holiday. And my Deck the Hallmark friends (we have a Facebook page) are also watching them all, so there are a lot of us going through this, so we're having fun talking about it all. 

But here we are, one more month until the big day. That's 4 more weeks - 4 each week, plus a movie every night during this week of Thanksgiving, and then also likely the week of Christmas. 

But! We can make it. I have faith. I love and hate these movies. I'm ready for them to be over. 
I also love watching them and I'll be sad when they're all done. 

So, good luck to all of us watching all of these movies these months. We can make it!

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