Sunday, December 17, 2017


You guys, Monteverde is lovely. Was it hard to sleep with this wind? Yes. But, we still tried. The next morning, we set out to the "Cloud Forest". What this means is basically, the mountain we were in was so high we were pretty much even with the clouds. It was super windy still (apparently this is the windy season, I googled it) but it was lovely, it kept it from being too hot. It only took us about an hour to get to the top.

 Here's the view from the top, very nice

 This is us, with Steve, Adam's co-school-worker-guy. Unfortunately his family couldn't come, but we had a great time still.

There was a waterfall near the end of the hike, it was so lovely. We couldn't get in the water at all, but it was still nice.

After the hike, we went zip-lining, and went to the longest zip line in Latin/Central America. There was one that we went on that was 2 kilometers long! We did that one Superman style, on stomachs with arms out. It was amazing. I finished that by doing a sort of bungee-jumping thing called Mega Tarzan Jump, which you just straight up jump out of a 75-meter tall building, and just fall until your harness catches you, about 40 meters down. It was TERRIFYING but so amazing! I wish I had a picture or something of it, but alas, no phones! But it was the greatest thing ever.

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