Monday, September 8, 2014

Miscellaneous Monday

Last night, I went to my neighborhood popcorn time like usual, and now, with it getting dark earlier, they ended it at about 8:30. The teens were like, “ugh its so early, let’s continue the party at Vieve’s! “ I told them they were welcome to come over, but I needed to study for my test, so it would be more like homework time instead of fun times. So a few girls grabbed homework, and a bunch of them came over. One of them helped me study, a few of them helped each other study, and a few just giggled in the corner. It was so funny to me, that even though I said it was homework, they came over, and we studied. In great news, I got 10/10 on my quiz!

I have to go back to the dentist tomorrow, and I could not be more terrified. It’s like, all the years of getting my fear of the dentist down, and working on liking going, and being okay to go were flushed down the drain with one visit of hell. I don’t know if I hate this specialist, or if I just hate what’s being done, but I don’t understand why he doesn’t have a gas machine! Every dentist should have one! So let’s all wish me some luck, and hopefully I can get through it with no problems.

My English class that I’m taking is actually a class on writing papers. Are all English classes in college like this? I was really looking forward to like, reading, discussing those types of things, and noooo all we’re going to do is write papers. And the themes of the papers are things that I have to argue. I have to pick a topic and argue either for or against it. I’m not good at coming up with ideas, and then when I argue topics, I only can think of like, 2 arguments to back myself up. Hopefully I can get better with writing as the semester goes on, because so far I am the worst.

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