Monday, September 1, 2014

Miscellaneous Monday

I got a haircut this weekend, I cut off 5 and 1/2 inches. Almost a half a foot of hair I cut off! It was necessary, it had been a really long time since I went in, and I had much dead hair at the bottom. My hair was too long to cut it sitting down, however, I had to stand up and she cut it that way. That made me laugh, I’ve never had that happen before. Of course, it was so long, that even though I cut that much hair off, you really can’t tell. so nobody notices.

I have had a slight toothache since Friday night. It got so bad on Sunday that I had to call the emergency line of my dentist, and get some stuff for it. I got some antibiotics that have still yet to work, and some pain pills, which aren’t really helping at all. My face has swollen up a little, and this is the first time in history I wish a 3 day weekend would hurry and get over so I could go see a dentist. Hopefully I can get this fixed soon!

Yesterday, I went to 2 different farewells with Chelle. It’s always weird to me, when I go to a different person’s ward, it feels like I didn’t go to church at all. I don’t know why, because when you go to any ward, you hear good messages, you sing, you do all the same stuff, but when it’s not my own ward, I feel like I’m playing hooky. And with the upcoming different church schedule about to happen (conference, temple dedication) I feel like I won’t be going to church for a long time!

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