Sunday, April 4, 2010

Finally, finally, back to normal

My health is usually pretty good. With the amount of running I do, it'd be crazy if I wasn't pretty healthy, and thank goodness for that. Unfortunately, on Monday, this took a quick nosedive.
I was playing Capture the Flag for my FHE that night, and as usual, I was taking my competitive side a little farther than normal people do. So there was a point where I was running at full sprint to my teams prison, to get one of my teammates out of there. There was three people coming at me, to try to tag me out too, and I successfully sidestepped one of them, zigged away from another, but the zag I tried to do to escape the third didn't pan out. There was some hitting, some falling, some flipping, some banging of the head, some rolling, and that was all only me. As soon as I had hit my head, I had the sick awful feeling that that was something bad, it felt horrible. I laid there for a few minutes, trying to get my bearings, but it was definitely taking a while. I had a massive headache that night, and was so tired by the time I got home, I just crashed and slept, even though they say you shouldn't do that with a concussion.
The next few days were uncomfortable, to say the least. I could barely move my head without it hurting, my neck had swollen up crazily, and I couldn't move that either. As those who saw me those few days can attest to, I was a mess for those few days. But at least I could move and walk, so that is a plus side. The headaches had stopped after a day or two, which was good too.
So now I know, after my first time of playing Capture the Flag, what I'm really getting myself into with these games. I should probably not be so aggressive in these games, for sure when I'm playing with my ward. For now though, I'm just taking it easy, and I'm glad we don't have any games lined up right now, that the summer isn't here. And if I can't rein in my competitiveness, I'll just wear a helmet, to deal with any falls I might have in the future.


Maleen said...

Ouch!! But I am the same way...too competitive. I was playing (and winning) twister at nine months pregnant.

Chelle! said...

oh...Vieve...I am so glad that you recovered. You did not look too great!! But, at least you were playing and not standing on the sidelines because it might get too violent!