Thursday, April 15, 2010

After a while, it's almost like your legs go numb

So, here we are again. It's been a year since my last one, so I guess it's about time that it comes around. I'm speaking, of course, of the SLC Marathon/ 1/2 marathon/5K. I am, once again, doing the half marathon. At this point, I am both excited for it, and totally dreading it at the same time. I think it'll be ok, and I know for sure that I can at least finish the race, but my goal for this year is to beat my last years time. My time last year was 2 hours even, but this year, I'm hoping to shave ten minutes off of my time. I feel like I can do it, logically, but then realistically, I'm just not sure.
The race is Saturday morning, bright and early, and thank goodness that the weather this year will be warm. It was cold last year for the start of the race, then it warmed right up about halfway through. I'm glad that I know the course of the race already, so that's a plus, but then that's bad because I feel like I already know the bad parts-so that when they come, I probably will psych myself out for it. I'm hoping that I won't, but man, does my mind play tricks with me on runs.
Anyways, wish me luck, everyone, and I'm sure, like I always do, I will post my results here as soon as I find them out.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

I am a'wishin you the luck, and all that. Better you than me, especially since I haven't run for about three years (okay, ten).