Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In the Recovery Room

Tonight, a tragedy happened in la Casa de Vieve. There I was, minding my own business, running, watching a movie, when all of a sudden, it happened. Out of nowhere, and quite certainly without provocation. Don't worry, everyone, it was not me who was the victim. It was Tiny Troop.
I don't know exactly what happened, we're still piecing together witness stories. As far as I can tell, Gretl (the big German shepherd we have) was eating something when Troop just happened to be walking on by. Gretl was clearly feeling territorial over her food, and decided that attacking Troop was a good idea. She lunged, and bit, and (this is where I came in) Troop did a little dog cry, it was so sad. I checked her over, but I couldn't see any damage. I consoled Troop, scolded Gretl, and assumed we were done.
Oh no, we weren't. A little while later, Troop came back downstairs, and I looked, and lo, she was bleeding! On her cheek, blood just pouring down. I quickly assessed the situation, and discovered she had a big chunk of her face ripped out-and quite deeply, in fact. I did what I could to clean her up, but I'm no doctor. I think the bleeding has stopped now, but the hole in her face remains.
I know I shouldn't blame Gretl for this. She's a dog, and dogs hold onto their items, I get it. But I can't help but feel bad that the giant dog we have attacked the tiny one, and drew blood. I am guilty of having babied Troop tonight-I'm carrying her everywhere, and giving her treats. Sheesh, you'd think I was the one that hurt her. But she's recovering well, and hopefully, the good health will just heal that sucker right up.


Maleen said...

Ouch, I hate holes in my face, unless you count my mouth and nose; those are okay.

Chelle! said...

Oh, I am so sorry!!! But, just think of all the attention she is getting--that really heals the soul.
You're a great nurse!!