Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Snow belongs in its proper places: mountain tops, poetry and songs by Bing Crosby!

You know how in Finding Nemo, Nemo has that gimpy fin, smaller than the other? My car is like a Nemo right now. Yesterday, on my way to work, I turned on the windshield wipers, no big deal, but as it was going up, it broke! The bigger wiper, the one directly over what I see, just snapped right off! Of course, I'm freaking out, and thank goodness it wasn't snowing yesterday morning. I spent the drive willing nothing to happen, that it would stay where it was, and nothing would flip up onto my windshield, causing me to die. Luckily, nothing did, and I made it work safely.
When I got to work, luckily, I work with Pops, who grabbed the broken wiper and just snapped it back on. I left that night, worried about how it would do, seeing as how it had been snowing all day long. It worked! No problems, things were good. And also, an amigo from work scraped all the snow off of my car before I got out there, so shout out to him. Although, he doesn't read this, so he doesn't know about the shout out, but I'm sure he's picking up the vibes I'm putting out there.
Today, as everyone knows, it snowed all day again! I made my way out to the car after work, only to find another amigo at work scraping off my car! I have some fabulous guys working with me who are nice enough to do this stuff for us. A shout out to him, also.
I'm trying to take all this goodness that people are doing to me and pass it on to others, (A la Pay it Forward) but so far, I haven't had any good opportunities. I'm going to keep looking, and if you can see any opportunities come your way, take them. You can make someone's day just by the littlest thing!


Maleen said...

That is a good reminder.

Are these all married men scraping your car?? Wink, wink.

um...and in case you were wondering, that wink was for if they are NOT married. You leave those married guys alone.

PJ said...

I let someone merge in front of me this morning. Good deed managed.

Chelle! said...

Oh, I love it when our snow guys clean off our cars...it is a great feeling!!!