Monday, January 12, 2009

Give em alcohol, and see what happens

I love awards shows. I have before professed my love for them, even though of late, they drive me a little crazy. I love watching for the superficiality of it, the dresses, etc, but I'm so over the movies that win. I get that it's the "movie snobs" who are in charge of picking the nominees, and it's always the serious movies that win, but come on! Pick a good movie for once to have it win the Oscar. But even if they throw in a movie that you're not expecting, for example, last years Juno, you know it won't win, because there are too many "artsy" movies that are nominated, crushing the chances of the good one. There seems to be an exception this year-The Dark Knight is nominated, but is it nominated because it's so awesome, or it is nominated because Heath Ledger was in it, and he died? I can argue both points of this, so I don't know the answer myself.
Last night was the Golden Globes, which is, I think, my favorite awards show. It's my fav because they give them food and loads of alcohol. I love so much that someone will get up to get their award, and they're buzzed, so their speech is just that much more funny. Most of the movies that won (and were nominated) last night I hadn't seen, which takes away some of the fun, but for the most part, people that won were great. There were some great acceptance speeches, a lot of fawning over dresses (even dresses that should not have been fawned over!) and just good times all around. Now that the Globes are over, it means the Oscars are just around the corner. I will of course be watching, and then the awards season is over for another year. And in that time, I'll try to watch all the winning movies, and see if they were deserving of the wins.


Maleen said...

So do you watch the Miss America pageants? Not as much alcohol, but plenty of dresses.

Chelle! said...

I love to watch what every one is wearing. Some of the dresses are amazing!!