Monday, February 28, 2022

Day 5 - Magic Kingdom

 We've made it! The last park, the last day. We knew that we would be going hard today, with no breaks, since it's our last day and we just can rest tomorrow, since we're just flying home. We woke up nice and early and got to the parks, in some of our best shirts ever. 

We spent the day riding every ride that we could, and basically just having a great day. We took the boys on Space Mtn and their faces are AMAZING. 

Then we did Autopia and Gecko and I shared a car, and he loved it

And finally, teacups! 

Epifanio had the absolute time of his life haha. 

And we finished late, and Epifanio absolutely fell asleep on the walk back, clutching the Coco toys he got earlier in the day and was absolutely obsessed with. 

This was such a fun trip. We did nearly everything I wanted to (a few rides weren't doable with schedules, alas) but it was so great. 

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