Sunday, August 15, 2021

Family Get Together

A few weeks ago, my oldest brother (who I have seen once in the last 10 years) texted our family and wanted to get a family dinner going. We planned on for today, and despite my reservations (I don't get along with most of my family, and don't see any of these people, so I was really dreading it. But it actually ended up being a good time and it was nice to see everyone. We snapped some pics, something we haven't done in a super long time. 

But first, Husband had to fix the deck. There was a part that he couldn't get to, so we had to send Darth under the deck to get it. He said he felt like a man doing this. 

Then everyone trickled in, and we had dinner. We chatted, ate, chilled, and just had a nice time, I was genuinely surprised. 

It was so much fun, and then after everyone left, Epifanio was in the car with our other sister, and it totally looked like he was driving, and I died laughing. 

It was an actual fun time, and I'm glad we got to meet up. 

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