Friday, May 11, 2018

Laser Eyes!

You guys, today was an unprecedented event. I got LASIK! It was an exciting time and I am just so happy to finally have amazing vision without the help of contacts or glasses! I got there nice and early and they got me all set up:

Of course I was super terrified, but it was not bad at all! It took only a few minutes. Of course my vision was super blurry when it was done, but they said that would take a couple of hours. They recommend you just go home and sleep for a while afterwards, which I did and it was nice to wake up with great vision! I recommend everyone get this one, I now have 20/15 vision and it is fantastic! Now I just need to heal up and then they'll be amazing! I will leave you with a video of one of my eyes getting the laser done. I have a few videos, but this was the best one because you can actually see my eye getting cut and then getting pulled back... enjoy!

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