Thursday, January 24, 2013

Scouts + Ice Cream

Tonight for scouts, the boys earned their Traveler badge. After a week of looking at bus routes, making fake flights and travel plans, tonight, we traveled to the local bus station, to show the boys how a bus route worked in real life, what it looked like, costs, etc. As we were traveling to the bus station, we were talking about it, and that the possibility of seeing a creeper was high. After we looked at everything at the station (and not a creeper in sight!) we made our way down to Macey’s. And yes, we figured out how many miles it was, the gas we were using, etc.

We ordered ice creams for us all, and while we adults got the sensible sizes of the Baby Kongs, the boys all ordered the Ultimate Kong. In case you don’t know the size of that:


That’s a pretty good sized ice cream, I’d say. We sat down for a bit, and ate our ice creams, before we had to get going.


They were all pretty jazzed, I’d say. When we were walking out to the car, one of the boys said something about how it was too bad we didn’t get a badge or anything for the night. Oh, contraire, my friend, I told him, we earned the Traveler badge! His reply back: “But we had fun!” Like that never happens! Now it’s my mission to make every week this fun, even when it’s a boring badge/lesson. As we were getting into the car, a shabbily-dressed man came up to us and asked us for a dollar. As we were shutting the doors, and driving away, one of the boys yelled out “We saw a creeper!” and we all died laughing. All in all, a good activity, a fun night, and I love any chance I have to get ice cream.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Super fun. I know you were hesitant about doing scouts at first, but I think you are rocking it. Even if this was the first 'fun' activity. :)