Thursday, January 10, 2013

A SNOW-Y Craft

Craft club has struck again! This months is especially cute. I think I say that every month but it’s always true. This one seemed to give us a bit of trouble. There was something about it, we had bad luck at every turn. But we soldiered one, and finished a magnificent craft.


CUTE, right? The snowflake in the middle there, we painted it, and immediately put glitter all over it, which was easy and yet, difficult. to hurry while it was wet, and evenly get it everywhere. When we finished, it was almost like a sigh of relief, we didn’t ruin anything. (We just had some paint spillage, soda spillage, kept knocking over our letters…holy cow) Naturally when I got home, I put it up.


An odd pic, for some reason you can’t really see it, but you get the idea. I’m glad to have another successful month of crafting.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

All your crafts are super cute. When you already have one for each month, what will you make then?