Monday, June 20, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

Yes, my good friends, you are quite lucky. 2 blogs from me in a row! What?! What did you do to deserve such good fortune?! Answer: I don’t have a lot going on right now, being at home alone and all. Aaaaaand you’re welcome.

Yesterday, when I was on my way to my parent’s house for the BirFather’s day festivities, and I saw the McSnailingtons everywhere, I really wanted to pick up a few, put them in a container, and bring them there. Hopefully, once they were settled in their new location (parent’s house) they would breed and make a new McSnailington clan. Now, on a scale of 1-10, how bad would this be? Would bringing them to a new environment be that bad? Could they survive? I mean, yes they’d miss their families, but people move away from home all the time, so it’d be a new adventure. When I got home from the party, there was not a snail in sight, so I’m pretty sure they can also read minds, and they knew what my plan was. Shoot. I need to keep my thoughts stealthier around them.

I have 2 days this week to do my to-do list of things I wanted to get done while Husband was gone, and as of today, I have about 1 thing left on it, and the one thing left is the easy one that’ll take no time or energy at all. I wish I had been more ambitious with my list. I’m now scouring my brain to think of things that I can do, but so far, I’m not really coming up with a lot. If I had the strength to move things, I think it’d be funny to rearrange all the furniture in the house as sort of a surprise to Husband when he comes home, but it’s not going to work out as well as I have imagined. Some other time, maybe, when I’ve planned it out better.

As I was cleaning out my underroos drawer yesterday in my quest to clean everything, I stumbled across some cards in there. I randomly have, in my underpants drawer, my old library cards, some old insurance cards, and a frequent eater card for a Chinese food place that closed about 4 years ago. I’d like to think I can remember why I put them in there, but so far, I’m at a loss. Was I hiding them for some reason? Did they go in there themselves, to nestle in against the underthings? I’ll never know, as I have now destroyed them all. Sorry guys.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

I hate the cards that hide themselves and only come out right after I could have used them.

Oh, I had a gift card for that restaurant I went to last night? Figures.