Sunday, June 19, 2011

All by myseeeeeeelf…..except today with Pops!

I almost wished I could have a Miscellaneous Sunday, because I have a few entries I want to put into one, but I’ll just do a couple maybe, see how that goes.

So, Husband went on a business trip on Thursday. This is the first trip he’s been on since we’ve been married. Before we were married, it wasn’t a big deal, because I lived at home, so I had people around, if I so wanted to talk to them or whatevs. But now, I’m all by myself in our apartment, so every five minutes, I’m pretty sure a serial killer is going to break in and kill me. Now listen, I’m going to admit this out loud: I’m a sissy. I’m not a tough girl when I’m all by myself. I’d like to think this, but oh man, my heart jumps every time a noise is made that I don’t recognize. But the plus side is, I’ve gotten so much done since he’s been gone. It’s not that he prevents me from doing this stuff, it’s just that I’d rather do other things when he’s around, or I’m pretty sure it’ll just get dirty anyway. But I’ve gone through all my drawers, cleaned them out, gotten rid of old clothes, I’ve vacuumed, mopped, taken apart the stove and cleaned that, cleaned the bathrooms, and done every bit of laundry there was to be done. I’m proud of the progress I’ve made this week, and yet I’ve got so much stuff that I still need to do in the next few days while he’s still gone.

And, of course, today was Fathers day, and today was my Pop’s birthday, so Happy BirFathers Day to him! Everyone here knows I loves my Pops, because he is too awesome. So happy day to him, and I’m really sorry that your birthday fell on the same day, so that we couldn’t celebrate ya twice.

And by the way everyone, with all the rain today, the McSnailington’s were out in full force! Happy day for all!

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Yep, I am not a huge fan of time by myself. Well, actually I could use a bit more these days, but in general, I am a people person.

But it sure does help you get tons of things done. I am very impressed.