Friday, May 15, 2009

Days that make you go aaaahhhh....

It seems to me that I work all the time. I never have any time, and on top of that, I swear, every moment for me lately has been planned, as soon as one thing ends, another has to start. But anyway. At work one day, Chelle and I were contemplating how awesome it would be to have a mental health day. You know, take a day off of work, when you're not going anywhere, you're not sick, you just have a day for yourself. We decided that we should totally do that. I took this day on Thursday a few days ago.
It was awesome! I loved it-I totally want to take more of these. I woke up at a leisurely pace, took my time getting up. I finished a lot of my Tivo (which was so full, but now that season finales of everything have run, I have no tv! It's fantastic!) and ran, took Sarge into the vet (where he got some shots, nothing major) and finished off the day watching my Thursday night tv. I didn't have to be anywhere, I didn't have to do anything that I didn't want to. There was nobody around to answer to. I think it should be a requirement to have to take one of these a month. I don't think that's something that'll catch on, but holy cow, how awesome that would be. Take notes, those of you who have employees. Give those people some much needed time off, for no good reason.


Maleen said...

I sooooooooooooooooooo wish I could do this (as a mother, sometimes I think it is even MORE needed), but who am I going to get to take my kids for a whole day so I can just lounge around or do stuff for myself? And don't say Tyler, because you know that isn't going to happen.

Chelle! said...

I do believe that this Mental Health Day was inspired and needed!! I think that we should do it is really weird without you being at work...but, I know that you totally needed...just like me!