Sunday, March 29, 2009

Avoiding pain is my forte!

I'm doing a lot of running right now. I have a long race that I'm preparing for that's in about 3 weeks. I'm doing well in keeping to my schedule. Of course, with all this running comes the general wear and tear of my body. I'm constantly sore, going up and down stairs is ridiculous, and my back is usually sore (the dreaded "runner's back"). I had a super long run yesterday, so today my quad muscles are so sore. Just moving in positions hurts. Oh man.
But anyway, along with the muscles, blisters are sometimes involved. I usually don't get blisters, only once in a while, and they usually disappear quickly. I got a blister on my third toe on my right foot. I know, the third toe is such a random place. It's not the longest toe, or the biggest, it's just...there, hanging out, and I got a blister. At first, it was just a nuisance, but it just kept getting bigger, and hurt more. Yesterday, after my long run, and the walking I did all day, the blister was killing me, and I'm pretty sure it had grown from being just one the top of my toe to the side of my toe as well. As we watched the Real game last night (grrr) I decided I'd had enough of it. I'd been told over and over not to pop the blister, but I was at the end of my rope! I iced the toe (to prevent any pain, to numb the toe) and after I felt nothing on it, I got a pin and popped the blister.
It was so much easier than I thought to pop it! Immediately after it popped, all this gunk started coming out. Never having had this happen to me, being my first real blister, I was informed that the gunk coming out was pus, and I was completely grossed out. I cleaned it up, did all that jazz, and for the remainder of the night, my toe throbbed. It didn't hurt or anything, just...throbbed. Today, the toe is a different color than the rest, and it doesn't really hurt, just when things hit it or rub it or anything.
At least the blister is gone (for now, and so far) and I'm hoping it doesn't come back. I'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out if it hurts when running. And now I know what to do when I get a blister in the future-even though it's something they tell you not to do.


Maleen said...

Eew! When you popped it, was the liquid clear? Because if it really was pus, something is wrong with your toe. Normal blisters just develop liquid to help protect the layer of skin, but that liquid is clear. I'm a little scared for you right now.

Although, if you lose the third toe, no biggie right? It just hangs out there doing nothing.

Chelle! said...

I told you not to pop it. What if we have to amputate--that would not be fun to wear flip-flops with only 4 toes on one foot. You would look lop-sided!!