Monday, August 8, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

We had our ward party over the weekend, and boy what a party. The YW were in charge of it, so I was a little as well, even though I didn't really do much work on that front, I just helped to set up, basically. We had a BBQ (of course I made my small brownie rolo bites, love them) and it was fun. They had a bounce house slide thing, I don't know why these are so popular right now, but ok. The problem with these are, and I'm not the only one who thinks so, but if your bare skin happens to touch the plastic on the way down the slide, you're a goner. The skin gets peeled away and you're left with a sore and a scab. I don't know why this is a thing, why would somebody invent a play thing that actually really hurts when you use it? Why don't they fix this obvious problem? 

This week, as I am finishing up my school, Husband is starting his. He was accepted into the University of Utah's PhD program, yay! So now, we, as 30-something year olds, are like kids again, and going to school while married. I'm not sure how it'll go, having us both in school, especially him with such a vigorous academic schedule, but we'll see. Maybe we just won't see each other for a few years, and then we'll get reacquainted after we both graduate. Ha ha!
I can't tell you how excited I am to have finals this week. This summer semester has been the literal worst, it was so fast moving and so much was shoved into it that I really couldn't do anything else, this really sucked up all of my time with all the homework, the tests, etc. I had my last health test today, which went well, and then Wednesday is my last accounting test and health final. Then, Thursday is my accounting final. I can do this, I bet, I just have to spend every spare waking moment studying for all these. Actually, I'm not very worried about the health final, I'm just worried about the accounting tests. Hopefully this week will go by swimmingly, and I can just be done with this semester! 

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