Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Husband is currently in the middle of making a video game to be released. He’s been working on it for the last few months, and in a week or so, he’s going to start a Kickstarter for it. I don’t know if everyone here knows what a Kickstarter is, but basically, its when you crowd-fund something, and usually, something is promised to those that help fund it. We’re all crossing our fingers that this is successful, and I really hope it works out, as it’s a great idea. Recently, we got a poster for the game made:


I’ve been keeping the game premise until the end, because it’s awesome: its about 50’s housewives battling zombies. Here’s their website:

In case anyone wanted to check it out. I hope this works out for us, and that the game can get made, because it’s awesome.

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