Monday, May 9, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

As I was walking out to my car this morning, I saw at least 10 snails all around the yard/sidewalk. You know what this means?! Edgar has a family! All of his peeps are hanging out with him! I was going to get a picture, but they were all scattered around, and I didn’t want to pick them all up to put them near each other. I know that I’d hate it if I was just hanging out, doing my thing, and some unseen force picked me up and put me next to my friends/family for a picture. What if I’d just spent the last 6 hours getting 1 foot away from them? All my hard work, ruined!

I had a 5K on Saturday, the Provo City 5K/Chase the Mayor. They let the Provo city mayor start the race 1-2 minutes before the rest of us, and you were supposed to get a prize if you passed him. Now let me tell you, when they announced that this was happening, I imagined the mayor to be a stout fella, not in shape, but no, he was in shape, and probably a runner anyway. When I crossed the finish line, I was 4(!) people behind him. I was so close to catching him, I just couldn’t quite get him. Grrrr

I forgot to bring my yogurt to work today. I didn’t even realize until I got to the office. And now I’m sad. I could get some out of the vending machine, but the only kind they have there is blueberry, and blueberries are my least favorite fruit of all. I’m a little sad about it, but I suppose there are worse things going on in the world. But in my world, my heart (and stomach) is a little less full with no yogurt with my breakfast.

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