Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Nuggets of Info

Well, ya'll, it's been a crazy few days. I have many informations to share with everyone, so I decided that instead of doing multiple entries to catch you up, I'd just do one, with nuggets of fun for you!

I cut my hair this weekend! Not just a inch, to trim off the dead ends, I cut off almost five inches. Its not too short, thank goodness, but for right now, I miss my hair. I miss how when I used to swing my hair, I'd feel it on my arms. Now...I just feel the air. But I keep telling myself, hair grows. And it'll be healthy hair!

I had a great 4th of July. I didn't do anything crazy, I mostly just spent the day outside, but it was nice. Ended the evening with a fabulous thing of fireworks (purchased at the Costco) and had a fun time. I ended up meeting a tiny child who I actually liked! She gave me a hug at the end of the day, it was adorable.

I have been eaten alive by mosquitoes of late. I have about 4 on my legs that look just gross, and they itch all the time. I tried so hard not to scratch them, but it's so hard!

I went to FHE-for the second week in a row! Now don't anyone think I'm getting too active though-we're just trying this on. We played volleyball and kickball (and I played some soccer with a friend) and I got a massive bruise on my ankle. It's about the size of a small apple. It looks awesome! I would have posted a picture, but I can't seem to get it to take right. Sorry, peeps.

I think that might be it for now. There are of course more things to talk about, but I'll see if I can't get those to be their own entries.


Maleen said...

It's officially bad manners to talk about changes to hair without posting a picture. Of course we want to see!!

And don't you like my little people??

Sorry about the mosquito bites. They have been rather vicious this year.

Chelle! said...

Cutting your hair, FHE, is the world coming to an end? Just kidding!! Your hair is darling!! FHE must have some delicious hotties to keep you going. HEE HEE