Thursday, July 9, 2009

This is what comes of doing good!

I haven't given blood for a long time. Not because I am against it in any way, it's just that when you get a tattoo, you're not allowed to give blood for a year following it. My year after my last tattoo ended a few months ago, and I've not had the opportunity to give until today. I only have one good vein, on my left arm. I've never had a vein visible in my right arm. So today, I get there, and answer the questionnaire, (which, by the way, I find so funny to answer) and then I get all set up. They sectioned off the arm, drew lines on me, and put some of that iodide stuff. I was totally ready.
She puts the needle in me, and it seems ok, but after a few seconds, she kind of frowns at my arm, and calls over this other guy to "take a look at this". I perk my ears up, because nobody likes to hear that. So then he does some stuff, asks how it feels, then says things should be ok. I'm sitting there for a bit, doing the squeeze-every-5-seconds thing, and then the girl comes back over. She looks for a few seconds at my arm, then calls another girl over to take a look. Well, by now, I'm thinking this is a huge mistake. She then informs me that I've clotted too early, so I've stopped giving the blood, or something. They fiddled with the needle for a minute or so, which hurt the whole time! They take it out, and I don't know what they're talking about, because I kept bleeding a lot. They had to change my gauze and everything. They wrapped my arm, and I left, with a juice box (that of course I spilled on my white clothing) and a Fig Newton.
As the day went on, my arm just hurt the whole time. Near the end of the day, after I take off the tape, I see my arm and see this delicious bruise:

I don't even know if you can really tell from the picture, but yeah, it's quite bruised. Not only is there that purple-ish part that's totally visible, surrounding it is also a deep purple bruise. I can't believe all this happened, from me just wanting to do a good deed. Well, never again, I tell you. Never again.


Maleen said...


See I didn't figure you would try a good deed in the first place. What were you thinking??

My blood experiences haven't been that great either. The best was almost passing out and having to do bicycle kicks on my back in front of everyone to get my blood recirculating. Awesome times I tell you.

Chelle! said...

OUCH!! That bruise looks awful!!! I can not believe I was out of town to witness all of this!!!