Sunday, November 29, 2020


Yesterday whilst I was showering, I broke my razor in half. (I don't know how I manage to do this, but this is certainly not the first time) I got a new one yesterday and then decided that with a new razor, I would shave my legs today and everything! Fancy me, eh? So I started, and then about 10 seconds in, had a horrifying accident. As I unwound my skin from the razor blades, I realized how much of an accident it had been. I had to do that three times and I was bleeding pretty heavily. I even wrote a song that I sang in the shower during this. "The amount of blood in here is troubling" is the name, and, at present, the only lyric. 

So I hopped out of the shower finally, and Husband was on hand to snap a pic. 

YIKES. So he had to help me clean it off and bandage it, since it's in a bad place for me to reach. Here it is with the blood cleaned off! 

YIKES AGAIN it doesn't even look good at all! My poor leg! No skin left! 

So, now we just wait and give it time for the leg to heal and hope I will be more careful in the future. 

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