Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Fancy minutes!

 Back in March, when the lockdown started, I knew that getting manicures would be a thing of the future. I know the lockdown didn't last FOREVER but I think we were in it for a good month and a half before I hung out and saw my family again. I am still not comfortable with getting my nails done (or hair...or going anywhere except for the grocery store, really) so I just resigned myself to not having nice nails. 

Then, in August, I was introduced to press-on nails by Impress. 

I know what you're thinking. "Press-on nails? Don't those fall off and look so tacky?" and the answer is, no! 

So here are the nails that I applied back in August:

I love them! So, since them, I have become a convert. They claim to stay on for a week, but at 2 weeks they start to come off a little, and then I sort of help them come off, so that I can do the next pair. There are so many cute nails, and with a cost between $5.00 and $9.00 for a set, it's so much cheaper than going in for a manicure, you can afford to do as many as you want! I'm excited for Christmas coming up - they have so many holiday nails, I can't wait to wear them all! 

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