Friday, June 5, 2020

To Georgia and Home

Yesterday was spent getting stuff for the house and unpacking, so no pictures took for the day, so sorry to disappoint ha ha. Today, we left Knoxville pretty early and drove to Georgia to fly out. Georgia was a 3 hour drive, but we decided that a three hour drive for a non-stop flight was better than a flight from Knoxville and a three hour flight. Not for us, necessarily, but Texas and Chani were flying with us to Utah to pick up their kids and get right back on the plane, and nobody wants to do that long of a layover with 4 cranky kids, so we made the drive. 

 We couldn't get out of the car for the Georgia state sign (construction + traffic + rainy weather = no thank you) but we still snagged a photo.
At the airport we had to wear masks of course to fly out. Even though Wash didn't need one, we put him in a mask long enough to take some photos and then took it off, but he didn't seem to mind it too much. 

I had such a great trip! I didn't think being in a car for that long would be good, but honestly, we had a blast. I'm still in denial that our family has moved, and I'm sure it'll hit me later. Luckily in this day and age, we have technology to still talk and see each other as much as we would like to. 

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