Thursday, January 23, 2020

Grand Turk

Today we had grand plans to hit up the beaches of Grand Turk. Unfortunately for us, it didn't work out so well. There was a storm that we encountered last night that rocked the boat hard all night - as we were sleeping, (well I was awake for this bit of course), I would feel the front of the boat rise up out of the water, so it felt like I was being lifted up off the bed. Then, I could hear the THONK of the boat hitting the water, and then I would be pushed down into the bed, it was WILD. So, because of all this storm business, the water was rough this morning. Our day of beach turned into about an hour of beach because of how rough the water was, it was too tough to try and swim in there. But hey, we did our best, then went back onto the ship and enjoyed some sun and water there instead, alas.

The water was a nice clear color at least
But you can definitely see how the rough waters were going

I took this after we got back on the boat, the sunset is providing some good light.

 I also snagged this as we were leaving - the emptiness of the beach compared to when we arrived was so crazy.

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