Monday, August 12, 2019

Final Day in Boston

Today is the final day in Boston (well, we fly out tomorrow, but you get the idea) and I had done most of the things I wanted to see yesterday, so today was a light day of sightseeing. First I went to the Boston Public Library, I was told it was a hot spot. They were right!
Here's a mural of books they have on the wall there, the panoramic didn't super work, but you get the idea.
 Then here's Bates Hall, the reading room. Gorgeous!
 Then right outside the library is the Boston Marathon Finish Line. It's in the middle of a working road, so I couldn't get a great picture, but I gave it a go.

Then, I was told that there's a road, Acorn Street, that is a super "Instagram worthy" road. Meh. It's all right, but meh. 

 Then, at the night, we went onto the U.S.S. Constitution, a working ship. We had a private party there, it was part of Husband's conference. We got to wander the empty ship, taking pics, asking questions, getting tours, etc. It was legit so great!

Then, at 7:30, they needed to ring the bells to mark the time. I had asked if I could ring the bells before this, they said I could do it then. So you know I waited around to do this! It was marvelous!
It was just such a great trip. It simultaneously feels like I've been here forever and that I just barely arrived. But I had a great time and did so much!

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