Sunday, August 11, 2019

Boston Shenanigans

Today, we went on the Freedom Trail, a 2.5 mile walk around Boston, marking important points of the revolution. We went really early (9:00) this morning, so we mostly had the trail to ourselves for a good part of the day, it's nice to be an early riser sometimes! I'm not going to include pics of the buildings, that's just boring, but here are a few highlights. 

 Here is the official seal that you see on the trail a lot.

 I have a picture from when I visited Boston 10 years ago in this same position, of course I had to do it.
Of course we had to take a picture when we saw this street. 

Then, we stumbled across the Holocaust Memorial. It's a beautiful memorial, it has tattoo numbers of those at the concentration camps on each of these glass panes. There are 6 towers, one for each concentration camp. In addition to the tattoo numbers on here, there are also quotes from survivors on the walls, it's a sobering reminder of what they went through. 
Although the memorial made me tear up, otherwise it was a lovely day, full of history and highlights of our country. 

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