Thursday, June 27, 2019

My First Breathing Nebulizer

Our good friend Husband has been out of town this past week. He left last Saturday to go on a rafting trip for the week, and unfortunately I can't join him this year because of my internship. So I've just been kicking it alone. Starting on Monday, I started to feel a little sick. Just a sore throat, runny nose, that sort of thing. Then during the week, it got progressively worse until today, when I had a massive earache and the throat was killing me. Because of the earache, I finally went to the doctor. Luckily, I didn't have an infection in my ear, they're just filled to the brim with fluid, which is causing all the pain.
cool cool cool
So I learned that I have bronchitis, in this warm and sunny summer we're having. Gosh dang it, the worst timing! So in an attempt to help me breathe a little better, they had me do a breathing treatment.
What a weird experience - you just breathe in and out through this tube, which has some sort of nebulizer thing in it and is supposed to help you breathe. It did! What a help it was. Although I don't recommend bronchitis, I can recommend doing this.

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