Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Frisbee Tic Tac Doe

For YW tonight, we were having a BBQ and playing outside games. I told them I'd bring this game, Frisbee Tic Tac Toe. Of course, Husband and I had to figure out if it would even work with what we were thinking and good news, it did! We just took a rope and made 9 squares:
 Its hard to see in that pic, but you can see how it works. It was actually super fun! We just bought 6 frisbees of two different colors (blue and green) and then you just play as a regular tic tac toe game. After we played a few rounds this morning (to test it out!) we kept returning to the grid all day and picking up a few games haha it was great fun.
As we were at the activity, I got the following picture from my sister:
Turns out small Darth had fallen while on his bike, and when the bike tipped over, he then fell ... on the handlebars! Ah poor tyke, he's working his way through some hurt mouth stuff right now. But he's soldiering on through it, good for him.

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