Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Here we find ourselves

So, here we are. September has begun. School has started. 3 weeks in, and of course, I have a million things already happening, with the homework between my classes. So, my blogging has of course been on a hiatus of late. I really want to do better on blogging with this new school year, but with these intense classes I've started, I don't know if that's even possible! But I'll try. Let's catch up since we last spoke, after the Color Run. 

Well, it was my birthday, the big 3-3. I had to go to school on the day of, so it wasn't super special, but that's still all right. Husband orchestrated a surprise shindig with my YW (and a few YW) and that was a lot of fun. I probably should have gotten pictures, but alas, my mind was no in the picture mood. Then, lets and homework...and that leads us to today! Let's all have a good school year and I will try hard to be better about blogging, for the no people who read this.

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