Monday, September 12, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

I accidentally sassed my accounting teacher recently. He had messed up on the homework assignment, adding one that was from a future chapter. But I knew I could figure it out, so I spent like an hour on this one problem, and finally solved it. When I brought it to his attention, he realized his mistake, and then he said that he would take the problem off of the homework for everyone else. That's when I yelled out, "aw hell no!" and told him that no, if I had to do it, everyone had to do it. Of course, I apologized for any disrespect that may have shown, but still. If I have to do it, they all do. 

My sister in law, Fall, is leaving on her mission in 2 days. Her farewell was yesterday, and she gave a lovely talk, despite the fact that the guy who talked with her talked for so long he only left her 5 minutes. 5 minutes?! For a departing missionary?! That was shenanigans, but oh well. She's going to Hong Kong, and I know she'll do an amazing job there. And I'm also sure the time will just fly by, and we'll all be seeing each other again before we know it. 

I'm trying to be better about blogging here, but oh man, I really am struggling with it. School is taking up way too much time, I just don't know how this year will go, if I'm already so swamped with school work. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, what job I want, what major to have...this is all too much to do, sometimes! Wish me luck and shoot me all your good vibes that I can figure out what to do with my life. 

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