Saturday, January 24, 2015

I have finally found it

You guys, epic news.

I have finally found a nail place that I really like. I know, it’s only my first visit there, and I should pace myself, and wait to see how it is two times in a row, but I had such a good experience today that I just want to sing it from the rooftops. I got a pedicure on a whim, and tried this place after googling pedicures in the area, and looking at reviews, to find a good place, since I haven’t had a good experience in the places I usually go. So, I went, and this is the end result:


I am so happy with the nails, and it was such a good time. I’ll try again, naturally, and make sure that they’re still really good, but otherwise, I think I may finally have a place to call my own!