Monday, August 8, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

Well, it’s almost upon us. I know you don’t know what it is, so here, I’ll tell you. This week, Thursday specifically, Husband and I will be closing on our first house. Its been a long while to get to this point, and now, here we are, about to sign all the paperwork. (Which, from what I hear, is a lot of signing. I’ll be sure to warm up my hand beforehand) We looked through many houses, and the one we’ve chosen is (obviously) our favorite. We’re signing on Thursday, and then we’ll be official home-owners. I can’t wait.

Unfortunately, with buying a home comes the preparation for moving in. We’ll own the house this weekend, but probably won’t move in until a week or two later. We’re wanting to paint the house. We’ve picked some good colors, ones that I’m excited for. I HATE to paint. I don’t have any other word for painting except for hate. I get so angry after about 3 minutes of painting, and I don’t even know what it is about painting that incites my rage so. So while Husband is all buckled down to paint it himself, I am looking for painters to do it for me. I’m just saying, yes, it’d cost a little bit of money, but come on. Someone would come to this for me, they’d do a way better job than I could ever do, and get it done in about half the time. Plus, then I wouldn’t have to paint, which is a win-win for everyone.

My Tivo is quite full right now. For those that have followed my blog here for a bit know that I love my Tivo. It contains all of the things I love, its always there for me when I’m bored, it completes me. I’m still getting used to having to share it with Husband, and that on some shows, I have to wait to watch it with him. Luckily, he usually doesn’t like my favorite shows off of the CW or ABCFamily (I’m not ashamed of these shows) so those I can watch with some freedom. Because Husband has been working later than usual this past little while, our Tivo has been backing up. We try to catch up, but we don’t always just sit about watching TV, there’s things to do, things to see, so we fit it in when we can. Yesterday, I made a remark of how far behind we were, and joked that we shouldn’t even leave the house, we should just stay in and watch as much as possible. Husband said I wouldn’t be able to handle staying indoors, watching TV all day, which seemed like a challenge that I accepted. So yesterday, that’s what we did, and I’ll be darned if I didn’t catch right up. Of course, there are still shows on there that need to be watched, we didn’t get everything in one go, but we got pretty close. At the end of the day, as we were going to bed, I said that I had completed the challenge, and won. And then, I thought, I didn’t leave the house, and I lazed about all day. Did I really win?

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Congrats on the house. I would tell you to post pictures, but instead I want to be invited over.

And I totally agree about the painting. I was conveniently pregnant when we painted this house. And by 'we' I mean mostly Tyler and anyone else but me.