Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Neighbors

I don’t know many of our neighbors. I’ve seen one of them at church, and a few outside, walking about. I’ve talked to one of them, they’re fans of RSL like Husband and I are. But other than that, I’m not really sure who any of them are. Its not that I’m unfriendly, its just that I don’t know that I need to have a friendship with these guys that extends beyond a friendly wave and a ‘hello’.

Husband is out of town yet again this week. Last night, after I’d finished with all my errands, I was calming down for the evening, watching a bit of TV. I had turned off all the lights, except for my bedroom, and I was in there, watching and working on some craft projects, when all of a sudden, the doorbell rang. I look at the clock, and its a little after nine. At first, I thought it might have been Sister coming to visit me, she said she might smuggle over her adorable dog. (Miniature Doberman Pincher, so cute!) But as soon as I thought that, I realized, Sister doesn’t ring the doorbell, so I knew it couldn’t be her. So I finally creep over to the door, and attempt to look out the peephole. And…I’m not actually tall enough to see out of the peephole. I was on my tippy-toes, trying to see, and I couldn’t get to that height. So I rolled the dice, and just opened the door, even though I was scared to do so. Come on, a random doorbell, I can’t see who it is, it’s night time, I’m alone? Of course I was scared!

And there stood….the neighbors that live above us, or as I have dubbed them, The Peroxide Family. I’ve seen them at church once, and around the neighborhood a few times, and they are a family of blondes. Which is fine, except that while the children are naturally blonde, the parents have white/blonde-ish hair that is very much fake. But that’s ok, I don’t judge them on that. I judge them on being quite noisy. They live in the apartment directly above ours, and they are quite loud. The kids are jumping everywhere, and clomping down when they walk, which I keep trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, like, maybe the ceilings/floor are thin, but still, my goodness. I always know when they are home, and what they’re doing when they are there.

Anyway, the point of their visit was to tell me about some cat food the children had spilled on our patio. They came to tell me sorry, and that they’d clean it up tomorrow. They asked if I had been asleep, since all the lights were off, and that’s when I realized I am an old lady, turning off the lights at 9. But that’s ok, I embrace it. So after the tiny children apologized, they went on their way. Truthfully, had they not told me they spilled it, I probably wouldn’t have noticed. I rarely go out to the patio, but that was nice of them anyway. And it was nice to see them face to face, since I’ve really only seen them from behind. Also, after they left, it took about 20 minutes to get my heart rate to normal. I really need to not be so scared when I’m home alone.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

That is funny. I wonder what you would name our family if you didn't know us? Probably something to do with all the girls we have.

And I really don't like to be home alone, so you turn your lights out early and embrace it.