Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ok, I am in love. I will sing it from the rooftops, I will tell everyone I know. I have been sharing it with everyone-as many people as will listen. I met my new love about two months ago. It has been a fast courtship, sure, but now, I can't live without.
Of course, I am talking about the Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe in Provo. I am in love with these cupcakes. I first heard about it from some gals at Chelle's Stamp & Chat in January, and I went there very soon after. I love sweets, as we all know, so this place is perfect for me. There are over 32 flavors-and I won't stop until I have tried every kind. To date, I have so far had 23 of the flavors-so I'm so close! I have many favorites-obviously there are many to choose from, but my very favorites are Luscious Lemon Raspberry, Phat Monkey, Party in my Mouth, and SnickerDoodle. Ok, so I have way more than that, but those ones are super delicious.
If I can tell you anything it's to go to this place, and eat a cupcake. Go every day, because the flavors change every day. But don't blame me if you happen to get addicted. It happened to me, and it can happen to anyone. I've tried to stay away-I've tried to not go, but every week, a little voice is screaming out to me to go back-and I always do. I hope one day this won't have as strong of a hold over me, but until then...cupcake anyone?


Maleen said...

Those look so good. I hear this lady will be in the hospital having her baby tomorrow. She could probably use one of those, since she won't be getting out much once the munchkin arrives.

just a thought...

Chelle! said...

Oh, I love this place. I love going to it with you. It is almost like Disneyland!!