Sunday, August 18, 2024


 This weekend, I realized that I signed up for a half marathon that's gonna be in 3 weeks. So I went for a longer run today (10 miles) just to make sure I could do it with no issues. And good news, I could! I finished running and pulled off my socks and ...


Where the heck did it even come from?! Its in such a weird spot!!

Luckily I have 3 weeks to heal, oof. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Bumblebee Lego

 I probably am blitzing through Lego sets it seems, but these ones are all the small ones that I'm getting done haha. Today is the newest Transformer set - Bumblebee. It was a BEAST. Probably my least favorite Lego I've done haha. 

A simple car! 


Hehehehe fun.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Back to School 2024

 I can't believe it's back to school time already. Its mid August! It's too early! 

It's Epifanio's first year, this tiny baby is in kindergarten! How?!

I'm not ready for these men to be this old. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Olympic Muffin

I don't know who's been keeping up on the Olympics on social media, but there has been a TikTok star of the Olympic games, and its not an athlete. It's a muffin. Apparently there's a chocolate muffin that is delicious. A Norwegian swimmer has already made like ... 15 videos based on it so far. So today, I gave it a try. I got the recipe made and scooped it into some liners.

Then I baked them and after baking, filled them with a chocolate ganache. 

And HOLY COW these are delicious!!!! I understand it! 

And here is the recipe! 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Little Mermaid Castle Lego

 Today I finished a tiny tiny Lego. I love these small Lego sets because they finish so quickly. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Lord of the Rings: Barad-dur Lego

 Today, I finished a piece that I've been working on FOREVER. At least, that's how it seems. 

Its the Lord of the Rings Barad-dur set. It quite large, too! 

Unfortunately, I can't convey size here, but it is BIG. 33 inches tall. A doozy. But finished! Thank goodness. 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Quick Jaunts to Disney

 I am fully aware that most of my pics that happen now are when we're at Disneyland (because honestly, we barely leave the house and when we do its Disney) so it seems like we're always there and that's ... neither true nor false. But today we did a quick afternoon here, which was so so fun. 

Come on, how cute is this sundae?! 

And of course a bonus Epifanio in my same ears, at his house,