Thursday, May 16, 2019

A New Home

I've talked before about how I have many Lego men hanging out on my windowsills in the kitchen. Unfortunately, they have outgrown their home, and I needed to find a new place for them. Luckily, we found some sweet shelves to put on the wall. And, for this last Christmas, I was given a gift from two different people, Lego tape. This is a tape you can put down, and it has Lego stuff on it to help hold the legos in place. Here's a pic to help illustrate:
 So I got the shelves up, put some tape all over the place (tastefully, of course), and then assembled the Legos up there. I put them in by genre. It took two days to do all of this (with shelf construction, and I had to clean off each individual lego. Where they sat on the windowsill was right underneath the paper towel dispenser, and every time you rip a paper towel off, a bit of towel dust fluffs off onto the Lego, so they were covered in white dust). But now they look great in their new home and there is a little room to spare for any new guests.

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