Monday, March 21, 2016

Miscellaneous Monday

It's been a while since I've done one of these! Basically, school is sucking up every single bit of time that I have! I don't have time for anything, it seems, just homework and learning. But good news, the end is nigh. There's only 4 and a half week of school left, and then we're done! I'm so jazzed, this semester has been the suckfest, so I am just excited to be done with it. We can do this. Just hold on everyone, and we'll finish.

Recently I was given the soundtrack to Hamilton. Like everyone else that's listened to it, I LOVE IT. I am so dang obsessed, I can't stop listening to it! I want to go see it on Broadway so hard, but it's so expensive! And in a completely different state, so that also diminishes my shot of being able to see it. Right now, my life goal is to see this. If anyone has a few hundred dollars just chilling around, not doing anything, lets buy some tickets and go see Hamilton. I know we'll love it and have a freaking amazing time. There's never been a Broadway show I've wanted to see as much as I want to see this. It's a musical! And history! It's tailor-made for me! Let's make it happen.

I got a Fitbit for Christmas, I don't know if I ever mentioned it. This is simultaneously the best and worst gift I've ever gotten. It's awesome to know the movement I do a day, to see what I'm actually doing. The bad side is, if I'm having a particularly lazy day, it reflects! If I just lay around all day, I feel so lazy when I see how low those numbers are! It's probably good for me to make sure I'm getting some movement for the day, but man, it really puts a crink in those lazy days. My current goal with the Fitbit is to get 30,000 steps a day. I've gotten within several thousand, but that's my next goal. I think it might have to be a Saturday, or a race day, or something. I'll let you know when it happens!

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