Sunday, June 30, 2024

End of the Trip

 Alas, the end of the trip is today, they're driving back home. So here's a dump of the rest of the pics here that didn't fit in anywhere else. 

It was such a fun trip, can't wait for the next one. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Race Day!

 Today is the Angel's 5k and we decided to do the 1-miler (because Rory is rocking a cane, we gotta keep things doable). We kept it serious serious. 


So then, we just snapped a bunch of pics, walked around, and had a good time.

Can't wait to do it again next year! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Harry Potter Express Lego

Epifanio's favorite thing in the world is trains. And Lego. So when I got the Harry Potter Lego train set for Christmas, he was PUMPED. So since they were here this week, we put it together so he could play with it. 

This thing was HUGE, I honestly had no concept. I made Epifanio lie down next to it, for scale. 

Same size! 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

A Day at Knott's

 I have the day off from work today, so we decided to make a day of it and go to Knott's. The last time we did this, the fellas had come in on an early flight so they were so tired by like, noon. We made sure to not have that mistake today. When we first got to the park, the big boys went on a big boy ride with mom, and me and Epifanio rode some kid rides that he LOVED.

Then we all spent the day doing rides, snacks, the usual. 

It was such a hot day, we did tiny ponytails on the fellas haha. 

Definitely a success of a day, and we all left happy. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


 Y'all, the cavalry has arrived. Husband is out of town this next week and a half (river rafting week, off he goes) and this year, he brought my BIL with him. So my sister and the fellas are in town for two weeks to keep my company! huzzah! 

Today we decided it would be so fun to dye my hair. I found a fun TikTok in which someone had used some wash-out pink and decided to go for it. Rory put it on my hair while I worked, so that I could wash it out after the work day. 

And then, after washing it out: 

not too bad! 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Art Night!

 Tonight we had an activity for my ward, and I was in charge of it. I made it a paint night - but then since I don't love painting, I also brought colored pencils so that people could do whatever they wanted. I brought 4 pics - a temple, a pic of Jesus, and two floral ones. 

The activity went like gangbusters! We had so many people come! It was amazing! I chose the picture of Jesus and did colored pencils, of course. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Epifanio's Best Face Forward

 This is his favorite pose and it's so funny to me. 

I even had to make a TikTok about it. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Bye Bye, Tiny Ducklings

 You guys, I am devastated to announce that the ducks already are gone! We called the local fish and wildlife division to ask them questions and they told us one of the things we needed to do was open the gate so that they could leave when they wanted. TBH I already knew this was a possibility, because mama duck had been hanging out at the gate door, so I knew was antsy. So we opened it up and they immediately headed out! Down the street and we watched them until they were gone. Did I cry? Oh, of course, absolutely. But I am so glad we could have them here, even for a few days only. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 Now, I know what you're wondering, Vieve, did you spend most of the day outside, watching the ducklings? And the answer is, of course, yes. 

Had to get a pic of the broken eggs, of course. 

The pool is too deep for the tiny ducklings to get out, so we had to devise a way for them to get out, when needed. So we put down a pool tarp, going from the pool to the outside. It actually worked! 

They would take a rest there when needed, and then they made their way out. We spent a good chunk of the morning trying to help them out of the pool without actually touching them or being able to communicate haha.

I love these tiny ducks already!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

We've Got Babies!!!

 So, I get done with work today. I walk downstairs and outside, checking on Daisy. It's been so hot of late, and she sits DIRECTLY in the sun all afternoon, so I'm always afraid she's overheating. I was heading over to her, to give her a snack of some lettuce (and refill her water bowl), when I noticed something. 

The ducklings have been born!! It's a bit sooner than I thought we would have them (In my calculations, we still had another week or so, but that's okay) but here they are! 

I immediately backed up and let them be. These new new babies need to left alone, at least for the first day. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Off Brand ... Never Again

 I have been working on this Lego set for the past couple of weeks. It's not big or long or anything but it's been a chore. I bought an off brand Lego set, thinking it was real cute and wanted to see how it would be to put together. Turns out, it's a beast! The pieces don't click together as easily or smoothly as Lego sets do, so my fingers were hurting putting this together, and it kept falling apart in some areas because the pieces wouldn't click. Ugh!! I won't be getting another set like this again. 

But here's what it looked like when finished: