Friday, July 7, 2023

A Surprise!!

 Guys, I am terrible at surprises. I'm just too excited, I give things away so easily. But this year, I had a great one. A few months ago, I decided to surprise my sister for her birthday. So I booked a plane ticket, made plans for that weekend and just had to wait. ...and wait ... and wait ... guys the waiting was the worst! Then she would float the idea of something happening that weekend and I just kept having to be like, ah dang I have to work that weekend, shoot. 

So then, finally the day was here. I took extra steps to make sure it would be a surprise. I stopped sharing locations on all the apps that do so, just in case. I concocted a story of having to go to a dinner for Husband's work, which could explain away any texting absences. Husband even went far enough to stop at his school after dropping me off, and sending a Snapchat from campus to make it look like we were there. It was perfect. The flight was slightly delayed, then it took forever to get luggage, but finally, I was there! I snuck in the house (it was nearly 10:00 at this point so the boys were all in bed) and gave me surprise. 

It worked! The surprise worked! What a victory! I was counting on my BIL to get some video of the interaction but in an old-man move, he absolutely just got 3 seconds of nothing haha. But now, the birthday weekend can begin!!

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